Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic fat people have been used as scapegoats. Some news outlets are reporting that weight alone is an indicator of how severely a community is impacted by this virus. Whole governments are basing their Covid strategy on getting citizens to lose weight (we’re looking at you UK!).
The truth is, Covid doesn’t discriminate and there is still so much to learn. However, us fatties are not surprised that when the world is falling apart, fat people are the first to be blamed. So as a show of support and to shine some humanity on this pandemic we are going to be sharing Covid Stories. A collection of short stories provided by members of our community.
Since there is not enough data on Covid-19, the causes, symptoms, or side effects. We wanted to share personal and professional stories in an effort to make us feel less alone. Because we’re in this together.
Had my first symptom on September 27th and I’m still feeling it. My roommates and I all tested at the same time and came back positive. Compared to them I’ve noticed I’m struggling more to regain my typical stamina. We have have the same lingering symptoms of headache and fatigue, and sometimes simple tasks knock the wind out of me, like showering and using stairs. I work from home exclusively, and did not go in public for weeks prior to being diagnosed. However, my roommates work at a mall.
I’m a prison nurse and since March I’ve cared for 600+ positive inmates. We reuse our PPE. I’ve had to supply my own to maintain any kind of safety, and we’ve all been mandated to work crazy amounts of overtime due to being short staffed and the extra work that comes with Covid.
I’ve been swabbed 5 times now and even though I’m a big girl working in one of the most Covid saturated environments with the least amount of protection, I’ve remained Covid free. In fact I work with several other fat girls and not one of us have caught it. The same goes for our inmates who have caught Covid, the fat guys recover just as quickly as the straight size guys and are never anymore sick than anyone else. The only time I saw an increase in death and sickness was within our elderly population. They went downhill fast and we lost a lot, 16 in one month alone.
I work on the frontlines in the NHS (United Kingdom National Health Service). I was part of the team at my hospital that set up a recovery ICU area, worked in wards that had Covid positive patients with a lack of PPE in the ITU (Intensive Care Unit) and HDU (High Dependency Unit). I care for and see patients die. I have been the last person they’ve seen before they pass. In May I got ill so I took a test and it was positive for antibodies. I went back to work after 4 weeks. I’m still recovering, Covid is crap!
I’ve been tested three times due to symptoms, once in April, twice in the last few weeks. While all the tests have come back negative, the most recent incident resulted in me being placed in an isolation room at the hospital. I’ve been released but I’m still being monitored for symptoms.
The hardest part for me has actually been how my medical needs have been communicated. I have medical diagnoses that make me more at risk (I’m on immunosuppressants) and my job requires going into homes. My doctor offered to write a letter and included that one of my risk factors was my obesity but neglected to mention some of my other diagnoses medical needs, that I have no control over. I never gave my employer the letter because of the level of shame I felt and continue to feel.
I was Covid-19 positive mid June, it took me a good 6-weeks to recover. Three days were VERY dicey! I tested negative again in late July. My current lingering effect is “Covid-brain” it’s real & frustrating!
I’m a 36 year old 475 pound Superfat with no major health issues. COVID Positive One Month Out. My husband took the rapid test on September 22nd after being sick for a few days. It was positive. That same evening I started having symptoms. Both of us had severe headaches (my eyeballs hurt and felt like they were gonna pop out of my head), chills, and major fatigue. I don’t think either of us ever had actual fevers. He’s 47 years old 220 pounds and got better after a few days, retested negative at the two week mark, and was able to return to work. He feels completely back to normal.
My case has not been so simple. I ended up at the ER one week later with the irregular bacterial type of Pneumonia that’s associated with Covid-19. I was officially tested on September 29th via the nose swab. It’s true, it feels a little like they are gonna gouge your brain out. It was definitely uncomfortable but not unbearable. I got my results after 3 days and they were positive. There were points I literally thought I was going to die. I’m sure a lot of it is psychological because the doctors are the ones telling you “Sorry there really isn’t much we can do, we don’t know enough”. And while most of the ER professionals were amazing. Telling me to come back if symptoms worsen. One even rubbing my back knowing I was positive. Another flat out said ‘Just stay home’. They did however give me an inhaler and a 3 day Zpack on the first trip.
I went a second time and was given a 5 day steroid. I honestly don’t think I would have gotten through without them. I couldn’t shower without having a panic attack and hyperventilating as soon as I wet my hair and tried to wash it. I went close to two weeks without a full shower. I am usually a feed a cold, feed a fever kind of girl. And for nearly a week I had zero appetite. That NEVER happens! And when I did try to eat I was nauseous and would end up with diarrhea. I also spent most of my days in bed or on the couch trying to determine if I was an icicle or in the depths of hell! And pretty much as soon as I decided it would change.
The only thing I can compare Covid to is when I had Mono for 10 days during middle school. But even that was a cake walk compared to this. Apart from the fatigue, most of these symptoms have gone but one month later (as of tomorrow) I am NOW struggling with INSANE after effects. I’ve had a third trip to the ER because of random numbness and chest pains. I’ve had burning in my stomach and chest. I’ve met with my family doctor. I have to do a full panel of blood tests AND go for a brain CT on Monday because of a icy cold / almost wet sensation I keep having IN MY BRAIN (not even joking)! I’ve sat on my couch in my underwear with a scarf on my head and numbness of my face.
As bad as Covid was for me, these after effects are almost worse. Because I have no idea what it has done to my body. They are scary and incredibly uncomfortable. I was able to take a full, although quick, shower today. I think I am getting better each day but I most likely have a long journey ahead of me. I’ve seen a lot of people reporting it took 3-6 months to feel ‘completely normal’. I think I will feel better once I get some answers with all the upcoming tests. My brain has been running wild. Take it from me. NEVER Google your symptoms!!
I tested positive for Covid-19 in May. I’m now fully recovered. Well, I have some strange after effects and I never even got sick!