Traveling while on your period may be unavoidable. Finding the techniques and products that work best for your body can help you travel comfortably, confidently, and without the fear of leaks. After lots of…
Category: Health
In 2020 during the height of the COVID pandemic Fat Girls Traveling founder Annette Richmond sat down for Fat Girl Chats with a few community members. Including Aria Sa’id, founder and the Executive Director…
In Late 2021 I began to travel with my mom and while I love bringing her along it has been a completely different experience going from mainly solo travel to traveling with a companion…
Have you started planning your 2023 travel adventures yet? This year we’re bringing back Fat Camp and taking our award-winning event international! Tickets for Fat Camp New York and Fat Camp UK are currently…
Being diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) can be disorienting and frustrating. Especially when you’re not given any real guidance on how to manage it and just told to lose weight (which is extremely…
As an introduction to our resident Sexpert Megan, we asked her to share a few of her favorite pillows and positions for pleasurable plus-size sex. As people existing in fat bodies, it sometimes feels…
Although today is International Self-Care Day, it shouldn’t take a holiday for us to dedicate some time, energy, and intention into our internal and external wellness. There are five different types of self-care: physical…
It’s so important for us to share stories from our community. Recently Tori shared part of her story in the Facebook Community and explained why certain words and terms can be triggering for those…
Have you ever used a portable oxygen device while traveling? I have! People are often surprised to hear that you can take your portable oxygen device on a plane with you. As a Plus-Size…
We asked our Facebook Community to share what they thought were the most fat-friendly mattresses, and they had a lot of responses. We often have conversations about weight limits and fat-friendly products. One of…